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Correct Meditation Postures - A Comprehensive Guide

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People meditate for many reasons, but it is mainly done to gain a sense of calm. Now, imagine that you are determined to start meditating. You sit down but all you have on your mind is that your legs or your back are in pain.This indicates that there is a problem with the way you meditate. A correct meditation posture is nothing more than a comfortable position that relaxes your mind and helps you to let go of your worries. Having said that, there are specific guidelines you can follow to achieve correct meditation postures.

Find your inner peace and improve your meditation practice with the right meditation postures. Whether you're doing meditation for beginners or an experienced meditator, our comprehensive guide on correct meditation postures will help you achieve a deeper level of mindfulness and relaxation. Read on to discover the tips and tricks to find the best meditation position for you and elevate your meditation experience.

Finding The Best Meditation Position

First things first. Before finding the best posture for meditation, you need to find the clothing you are most comfortable in. You need to wear something in which your body does not feel restrained. The clothes should allow you to move and stretch your body freely. Avoid tight clothing like jeans, whereas yoga pants, gym shorts, and a cotton t-shirt could be your go-to options.

What are the Different Meditation Positions?

We start with the simplest meditation postures and then towards a few technical ones. This will help people who have just begun to meditate and also those who have been meditating for a long time but are still unable to find the best posture for meditation for themselves.

  1. 1. Sitting on a chair/उत्कटासन - One of the easiest meditation positions for beginners or anyone looking to start their pace at meditation. All you have to do is, find a chair and sit in it with your back straight and your feet touching the ground. This is also a suitable meditation posture for people who find it challenging to sit on the floor. While meditating in this posture, you just have to pay attention to the alignment of your spine. It should be straight. You can also use a pillow for more support. This meditation posture strengthens your back muscles and prepares you for more unsupported postures.

Sitting on Chair Meditation Posture

  1. 2. Kneeling down/ वज्रासन - Meditation postures do not have to be as complicated as they sound. Kneeling down is one such meditation posture. All you have to do is, bend your knees on the floor. You can take support between your knees and sit with your back straight. You can bring a pillow or a blanket. This takes off the pressure from your knees or ankles, and transfers it to your buttocks, making the meditation pose easier to hold.

Kneeling Down Meditation Posture

Now, let us explore some meditation poses that do not require any support.
  1. 4. Happy Pose/ सुखासन - One of the simplest sitting positions for meditation. Remember how much you liked sitting on the floor as a child cross-legged? This is precisely the same. All you need to take care of is your back being straight. Your hands can rest anywhere on your lap.

Meditation Posture: Happy Pose

  1. 5. Burmese Pose/मुक्तासन - This is just another variation of sitting cross-legged meditation postures. All you need to do is bring the heel of your left foot towards your right thigh, in a way that it should be touching your thigh, and your right foot should lie gently on the left foot. You can allow your hands to rest inside your laps or on the top of each thigh. It is for you to decide. This is one of the best meditation positions for those looking to practice physical limitations.

 Meditation Posture - Burmese Pose

  1. 6. Quarter Lotus/पद्मासन - This is one of the sitting meditation positions for increasing awareness and attentiveness. To get into this pose, cross your legs in front of you, keep your left foot on the floor below your right thigh, cross your right foot over and let it rest on your left calf. In simpler words, instead of keeping your left foot on the ground or on the right foot, keep it on the opposite calf. People looking for meditation poses for beginners can include Quarter Lotus in their meditation sessions as this pose helps strengthen your back and brings agility to your body. And as usual, your hands can be kept as you may like.

Meditation Posture - Quarter Lotus

  1. 7. Half Lotus/अर्ध पद्मासना - This is one of the meditation postures that requires extra focus. This meditation pose is suited for people who want to prepare themselves for deep meditation practice. This pose is almost similar to the quarter lotus pose. The only difference is that when you cross your right foot, you rest the foot on the left thigh instead of the calf.

Meditation Posture - Half Lotus

  1. 8. Full Lotus - People looking for beginner friendly meditation postures can definitely add full lotus in their routines as it is the best meditation posture to increase circulation in the lumbar spine, nourish and tone the abdominal organs, strengthen the ankles and legs, and increase flexibility in the hips.

    Full lotus is one of the meditation postures that goes beyond just improving the flexibility of the hips. This meditation posture is well suited for people who do deep meditation practices. You rest your left foot on the right thigh and your right foot on the left thigh in this pose. Your hands can remain wherever they may suit you.

Meditation Posture: Full Lotus

  1. 9. Laying down/शवासन - There are no specific instructions to perform this meditation posture. All you have to do is lay down on a surface making sure your back is straight.

Laying Down Meditation Posture

A quick tip: You can use a cushion or a blanket to support you at any point you feel disdainful or uncomfortable doing these poses.

This was all about the meditation postures. People looking for meditation for beginners can try these sitting meditation poses. You can also meditate while standing. You can either rest your feet on the ground and join your hands near your chest or keep one foot on the ground and the other on the thigh of the opposite leg, making a triangle-like shape and joining your hand above your head. These meditation postures will stretch your body and relax any tension from your muscles.

We have discussed six different meditation postures to help you with your meditation journey to achieve calm and peace in your life. Let’s take a look at a few more pointers other than the poses that can make your meditation experience smoother and more comfortable.

  • Choosing the right time -Choosing the right time is not about doing meditation in the morning or evening. It is more about consistency. Choose a time or a situation and be consistent. It will help you deepen your practice every day.

  • Choosing the right environment - Choosing a place free of distractions is also very necessary while meditating. The place should be silent enough for you to be aware of your breathing.

How to Find The Right Pose For You?

Finding the right meditation posture or a particular pose is very subjective, though you can start by slowly developing the habit by sitting on a chair while meditating and working your way up. Most of the meditations require sitting still while only a few might allow you to change positions if there is any numbness or pain. If you’re looking for the best posture to meditate, always remember to straighten up your back and in alignment of your spine. Start by trying different meditation postures. It might seem difficult initially and maybe painful but you will get there.

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