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Profound Insights and Guided Journey by Moojibaba

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Profound Insights and Guided Journey by Mooji Baba

**Welcome** to an enlightening session where Raman Mittal, the co-founder of Idanim, engages in a thoughtful conversation with the globally revered Moojibaba, a cherished spiritual teacher whose teachings have touched countless lives. Moojibaba, formerly known as Anthony Paul Moo-Young, is an avid follower of Sri Poonjaji, lovingly known as Papaji. Moojibaba is a beacon of wisdom and compassion. He has dedicated his life to guiding others on the journey of self-realization, enlightenment, and awakening. He has been sharing his wisdom via Satsangs for all those seeking truth and spiritual awakening.

Join us in this heartfelt conversation as Moojibaba shares his valuable insights on overcoming challenges, disappointments, or doubts that can arise in your meditation practice, the importance of discipline and perseverance, how to cultivate a deeper understanding of your being and much more.

What to Do When Doubts Arise for Your Own Practice?

Raman's journey into mindfulness began in 2009 during a spiritual retreat, an experience that unveiled a unique sense of peace, presence, and silence previously unknown to him. Since then, he has found liberation in moments of deep peace, silence, and presence – both during meditation and unexpectedly throughout his daily life.

However, Raman candidly admits that doubts occasionally overshadow his inner tranquility. Addressing this, Moojibaba emphasizes the commonality of encountering unpleasant thoughts and doubts during one’s meditation practice. Rather than attempting to eliminate them, Moojibaba encourages transcending their effects by recognizing their nature – understanding that these thoughts are not rooted in the present moment.

Moojibaba delves into the nature of the ego, describing it as an old relationship formed when consciousness took on the appearance of being a person. He underscores that doubts and uncertainties stem from this sense of personhood, which, when challenged, gradually fades away. He emphasizes even in the spiritual journey, the ego can subtly participate, harboring an inherent fear of threats to its existence. The key is to deepen our understanding, acknowledging that doubts may continue to arise, yet recognizing that they are rooted in the persona.

How can People Feel Silence?

Embarking on a meditation or spiritual journey can be challenging, especially when the mind is cluttered with thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to tap into the profound silence within. Often, individuals overlook this inner stillness or anticipate a special experience, missing the subtle yet transformative power of silence.

Moojibaba sheds light on this, emphasizing that the journey often begins with an unspoken universal call. People may not be consciously aware of it, but there's an inherent pull, an existential longing urging exploration. It's not initiated by the individual; rather, there's a magnetic force propelling them forward, even if they resist or are unaware of their interest.

When individuals encounter resistance or hold preconceived notions, Moojibaba highlights the intricate interplay between light and darkness within. In spiritually charged environments, concepts may stir up the ego, causing discomfort. However, he reassures that destiny plays a role – if drawn to this journey, the ego won't prevail.

Despite potential irritations or challenges, those on this path may find that the compelling force within overcomes resistance, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of the self.

Moojibaba shared one of his visitor’s experiences. Initially drawn by online talks, they felt compelled to attend a Satang. However, their first encounter was met by distractions, restlessness, and difficulty with translations. The visitor considered cutting their stay short, opting for only two days instead of three.

Yet, something unfolded. A simple walk in the park led to a profound transformation. The visitor found their mind unexpectedly empty, free from conscious effort. It was an inexplicable moment of serenity, contrasting the initial challenges. This narrative highlights the unpredictable nature of our inner journeys and the potential for unexpected tranquility amid chaos.

What is the Role of Discipline in Your Journey?

Moojibaba shared his insight by acknowledging that he, too, doesn't always follow strict discipline. He highlighted the importance of recognizing that everyone's journey is unique, and while some level of discipline is necessary, it doesn't have to be externally imposed. The key is to connect with the results and be drawn to the positive changes, allowing a natural discipline to emerge.

He emphasized the idea that discipline is inherent in everyone, especially when it comes to pursuing personal goals. It might not align with conventional notions of discipline, and that's okay. Moojibaba referred to a talk he gave about the "laser man's way to Enlightenment," resonating with those who sometimes feel a bit lazy but aspire to overcome it. He encouraged people not to shy away from resistance, as it could be a sign of growth, particularly when it comes to matters of the spirit and the heart.

He shared that divine intervention may lift us up, but it requires a genuine desire for change rather than just feeding the ego. He urged individuals not to be discouraged by resistance, seeing it as a potential sign of transitioning from familiar, worldly tendencies to a more meaningful and spiritually fulfilling path. It may involve a bit more effort, but the rewards are profound and transformative.

Is Thoughtlessness Possible in Meditation?

Moojibaba shared that in the journey of self-realization, thoughts do not cease to exist; rather, they lose their grip and significance. Post-realization, your everyday life with its routines and responsibilities continues. It's crucial to understand that, despite the realization, your worldly functions persist. The depth of your capacity evolves over time.

Moojibaba explained that labeling a thought as the problem is a misconception. The true issue lies in the attachment to the thinker—creating an identity around your thoughts. Recognizing this is pivotal, as it unveils the unrecognized addiction to personal identity. When invited to contemplation or meditation, the mind resists, revealing its deeply ingrained patterns. Observing with detachment becomes a powerful tool. Gradually, a gap opens, providing a sense of stillness amid the mind's activity.

The shift from psychological identity to a state of awakened consciousness involves perseverance. Encouragement and practical, applicable instructions are crucial. Spiritual realization is not an escape; it's a transformation within your existing life. Patience and support are essential, as the process may challenge the prevailing culture of instant gratification.

Awakening is not confined to ancient practices or secluded environments. Wisdom adapts to the times. Practices are tools to transcend themselves, returning to the natural state. The goal is not to improve the person but to see through the constructs of the eager mind. Gradual realization unfolds through the enticement of joy, peace, focus, and wisdom.

Raman opened up about the cyclical nature of his ego, and Moojibaba shed light on the unexplored link and attachment within. He emphasized how the ego and person are intertwined, often dominating when left unchallenged. He highlighted the fleeting nature of peace and joy when the person takes control, robbing the beauty of the present moment.

Moojibaba urged Raman to question the core of personal identity, recognizing that troubles and the one troubled are inseparable. The conversation delved into the observable effects of triggered emotions, drawing parallels to the teachings of Shri Ramana Maharishi. Moojibaba compared our being to a limitless sky, with thoughts as passing clouds, emphasizing the unchanging awareness within.

The dialogue unfolded, exploring the distinction between the personal and impersonal, with Moojibaba guiding Raman to recognize the natural state of pure awareness. He encouraged understanding thoughts as transient phenomena, subject to the mind's construct. Moojibaba stressed the need for experiential verification to transcend the psychological self, leading to stability irrespective of the presence of thoughts.

Moojibaba explained the power of perception, meaning that the reality of anything lies not in the thing itself but in the mind of the perceiver. The conversation concluded with a guided journey to immerse everyone watching in an environment where these teachings are lived and questioned, offering a profound journey toward self-discovery and lasting joy.

Watch the full conversation to gain a detailed perspective on the potential of feeling your being.

Our podcast series, Idanim Inspirations, dives into enlightening conversations with spiritual leaders exploring their remarkable journeys toward mindfulness. Here, we share the profound insights and life-changing experiences that have guided them on their paths. Through these conversations, we uncover insights and experiences, offering enlightenment and inspiration for all. Get ready to discover a wellspring of inspiration and wisdom as we bring these conversations to your screen.

Idanim Inspirations is now available on our app. Check out the full interviews, along with other mindfulness practices.

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